Friday, 28 June 2013

Nouveau publication d'UICN sur les Grands Singes et le FSC

UICN ont récemment publié un nouveau rapport dans leur série des ‘Lignes directrices pour des meilleurs pratiques’ pour la conservation des grands singes. Celui-ci, intitulé « Les grands singes et le FSC: Mise en œuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale » est disponible en anglais et en français sur le site Internet du Groupe spécialistes des primates de l'UICN / SSC.

Le rapport est disponible suivant ce lien:  Les Grands Singes et le FSC

Morgan, D., Sanz, C., Greer, D., Rayden, T., Maisels, F. & Williamson, E.A. 2013. Les grands singes et le FSC: Mise en œuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale. Groupe de spécialistes des primates CSE/UICN, Gland, Suisse. 

IUCN have recently published a new report in their 'best practice guidelines' series for great ape conservation. This one, entitled 'Great Apes and FSC: Implementing Ape Friendly Practices in Central Africa’s Logging Concessions' is available in English and in French on the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group Website.

The report is available here: Great Apes and FSC

Morgan, D., Sanz, C., Greer, D., Rayden, T., Maisels, F. & Williamson, E.A. 2013. Great Apes and FSC: Implementing ‘Ape Friendly’ Practices in Central Africa’s Logging Concessions. IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland.

Galago recordings available online

The Nocturnal Primate Research Group at Oxford Brookes University has made available a collection of Galago recordings as an identification tool for field scientists.
The collection comprises vocal profiles for 24 galago taxa, and can be found on their website:

Birdlife International- State of the World's Birds 2013- Publication Available

Birdlife International has recently published its 2013 State of the World's Birds, this can be downloaded in English at this link:

State of the World's Birds 2013

The State of Africa's Birds has also recently been completed and can be read online (but not downloaded) here:

State of Africa's Birds Report 2013

New global maps of vertebrate diversity highlight conservation priority areas

To find out how well the planets protected area system encompasses vertebrate biodiversity, a new study has mapped critical areas for vertebrate conservation using newly updated data on >21,000 species of mammals, amphibians, and birds. For each taxon they identified centers of species richness, small-ranged species, and IUCN listed threatened species .

Their maps show that while the priority areas do have more protection than the global average, many of the most important sites are currently without protection. According to the paper, currently only one third of the biodiversity centers are protected, and just 11 percent are under strict protection. The study also showed that small-ranged species encompass 93% of all vertebrate species in just 8% of the worlds land area, suggesting that small-ranged species maps are of high importance to conservation planning.
The authors highlight a need to reassess the global allocation of conservation resources to reflect todays improved knowledge of biodiversity and conservation.

Document available for download: 

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